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Upcoming Litters

Iris/Flash planned litter Summer 2024

This is a repeat planned litter between Iris and Flash. Breeding dates are subject to change due to fluctuations in heat cycles. I expect this breeding to take place in April with puppies being born in June. Iris is OFA normal for eyes and rated OFA good for hips. Flash is normal for eyes and Excellent for hipe. Both Iris and Flash are Embark tested and clear. Please understand we do not accept deposits for coat colors or eye color. When you place a deposit on the wait list it is with the understanding that you are reserving a pick place and we try to accommodate preferred gender but we don't have control of how many boys and girls will be in each litter. All homes are subject to approval. Breeder reserves first pick of each litter, picks for puppies after that are made in the order deposits are received with first deposit getting first pick and so on. If interested in getting on this waitlist please fill out the Puppy Purchase Application and we will be in contact with you. Puppies are $1,600 total. A non refundable deposit of $500 is required to hold your spot on the waitlist and the remaining balance of $1,100 is due at the time of pick up. 

1. Hold

2. Open

3. Open

General Waitlist

This is our general waitlist for those that aren't ready to place a deposit or not ready to be added to our upcoming litters. 

Shauna (repeat buyers)

Ladessa (male)

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